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Summer Term 1 - April to May 2024

Welcome back! We hope that you had a relaxing Easter break and we are looking forward to spending this half term getting ready for Summer and the warmer, drier months ahead! We shall hopefully be outside more often and looking at the wonderful world God gave us and how it is changing with the changing seasons.

The Enormous Turnip - Traditional Tale

Enormous Turnip_frontcover.webp

Our book for this half term is The Enormous Turnip, a Traditional Tale. We will encourage the children to learn this story and find out what happens when the characters try to pull out the enormous turnip! We hope that the children will learn about growing food and teamwork and we'll have fun finding out how important it is when there is lots of work to do!

For this half term we will continue with counting 1 to 5+ (and recognising those numerals), comparing sizes and positional language (in front of, behind, next to, in, on, under and between). The children will engage in activities that allow them to explore these concepts in their learning and will be supported through their everyday activities, often linked to our story for the term. 


comparing sizes

Topic - Growing/On the Farm

food on farm

For this half of the Summer Term we will be looking at Growing and Farms and what goes on on 'the farm'.

This topic will link with our story for the term and hopefully the children will learn about the jobs that animals and people do on farms. We will also learn about other people who might help us. We will also be doing some of our own jobs in the Nursery garden.

The children will learn about food that is grown/produced on farms and we will be planting some seeds in the Nursery garden too!

For the first part of the term we will be learning all about the joy that Easter brings. The children will learn about the story of Easter and how we use Alleluia in celebration of Jesus' risen life. We will engage in activities that support this learning and for latter half of the term we will be learning about God's Family and start to look at the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. We hope that the children will have fun engaging with the activities and start to understand the importance of these seasons for us. 

RE and Worship

Week 1&2

Welcome back everyone and welcome to our new starters too! The children have had a busy week getting back to their routines and re-establishing their friendships. It is wonderful to see how quickly they have settled back in and welcomed the new children we have too. The children have visited Reception to complete an Art and Craft activity related to our Catholic Social Teaching this term. They completed a painting of the world and talked about how we can look after our world and be good Stewards of God's Creation. The children have also been learning more abour Easter and celebrating the risen Christ by learning the word Alleluia. Please call in to the class room to see the wonderful painting and banner your children made to support this learning! Well done everyone! 

Week 3&4

We had the Beep! Beep! day where we talked about safety crossing roads and how we always hold an adult's hand to cross the road. The children drew a 'zebra crossing' and took turns crossing safely. They made sure to look both ways and cross when the 'light' was green. We have also visited the music room to tap out a beat on our sticks and shake our shakers to the Music. Well done everyone! 

Week 5&6

We walked to the church to visit God's house and see where God's Family gather on the special day of Sunday. One of the children pointed to the crosses on the building when they were asked, 'How do we know this is a church?' Well done! The children were brilliant walking to and from the church and were very quiet inside the building too. We have also celebrated 'International Day' by dressing up and tasting food from different places in the world, we have taken a 'Rainy Day Walk' and jumped in muddy puddles and started visiting Reception class's outside space. Finally, as part of their Transition to Reception the older children have been eating their lunch in the hall and have loved it. Well done! 

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