CLIC Maths (Big Maths)
Children acquire the basic mental skills of Mathematics through the chronology of CLIC. When we look at Core Numeracy in more detail we see that it has a 4 stage process to it:
Children learn to count and to ‘count on’.
Learn Its
Children then short-cut this counting by recalling their ‘counting on’ as facts.
It’s Nothing New
Children next ‘swap the thing’ to realise that the counting fact, or ‘Learn It’, can be applied to any object, amount or unit of measure.
The previous 3 phases are combined to provide a calculation structure.
We teach CLIC in all classes from Reception through to Year 6 for 20 minutes daily. Each Friday, the children undertake a short test - Beat It - answering questions on number bonds/times tables against the clock. It is vital that they practice their facts at home so that they can achieve instant recall.