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Knowledge organisers

Information about this terms maths can be found at www.whiterosemaths.com

RE - Old Testament Stories and Prayer 

This term our author is Anthony Brown. Below is a list of books you may want to enjoy with your child together.

CLIC - Learn Its

Learn Its are sent home every Friday and the children will be tested the following Friday. Your childs Learn Its will be the same for this term. We don't expect your child to learn them off by heart straighaway, but would like their score to improve each week, so by the end of the term they know them off by heart. 

Week 1

R.E. - Old Testament

During our RE lessons this term we are learning about the stories found in the Old Testament. Today we learnt about the story of Noah's Ark and why God sent a flood.  The children acted out different parts of the story and we put them all together to retell this special story. 

Week 3

 In R.E. we have carried on reading stories from the Old Testament.  Today we looked at the story of Jonah and the Whale and the hidden message behind the story. In groups the children acted out the different scenes to create a story map for the class washing line. 

Week 3

Art - clay

In Art we will be creating our very own sculptures from clay. Today we explored clay and the different techniques you can use to prepare the clay in preparation for when we design and make a sculpture from clay, using inspiration from Gaudi.


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