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Comparing St Anne's Performance with other schools nationally and locally

End of Key Stage Data

Due to Covid, national data is not published for 2021-2.  It is important to note that the government has archived pre-Covid data on the basis that it may no longer reflect performance.

Despite Covid, the children at St Anne's the children perform very well in statutory testing and so, we are very proud to publish their achievement.


Reception GLD

Reception GLD was up on 2022 by 2% and in line with LA average at 64%.

Y1 Phonics Screening

In Y1, 83% passed the Phonics Screening Check.  This is compared to 75% LA average.


In Y2 KS1 SATs,

Reading: Expected and Greater Depth = 73%                 Greater Depth = 37%    

National Average EXP/GD = 69%

LA Average 66%


Writing: Expected and Greater Depth = 60%                  Greater Depth = 10%      

National Average EXP/GD = 61%

LA Average = 48%


Maths: Expected and Greater Depth = 73%                   Greater Depth = 33%     

National Average EXP/GD 71%

LA Average = 62%


Y4 Multiplication Test

There is no pass mark for the Multiplication tables check (MTC).  However, in 2022, the mean average score of pupils taking MTC was 19.8. The most common score was 25 (full marks), with 27% of pupils achieving this. At St Anne’s this year, we exceeded the national average markedly with 46% of our pupils achieving 25 (full marks) and 77% achieving over 19 marks.

Progress has also been made since last year.  For comparison, in 2022 at St Anne’s 8 children out of 25 achieved full marks – 32%.  



Reading: Expected and Greater Depth = 67%      Greater Depth = 27% 

National data EXP/GD = 73%                


Writing: Expected and Greater Depth = 60%      Greater Depth = 10% 

National data for EXP/GD 71%               


Maths: Expected and Greater Depth = 77%      Greater Depth = 27%

National data EXP/GD =73%                                                                                   


SPAG: Expected and Greater Depth 87%      Greater Depth = 43%    

National data EXP/GD =72%                        


Science Expected = 77%                                    

National data EXP 80%                       


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