Design and Technology

Intent/What we aim to do through our Design and Technology Curriculum
At St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, through the provision of our Design and Technology Curriculum, it is our aim for pupils to learn to:
- develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
- build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
- critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
- understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
In addition, at St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, through the provision of Design and Technology based knowledge, skills, experiences and opportunities, it is our aim for all pupils to:
- develop their own identities
- become well-rounded
- help make the world a better place
- feel safe and confident to explore as well as contribute and take risks
- strive for excellence
- develop inquisitive minds and become self-motivated learners
- develop a lifelong love of learning
Adaptations are made to DT lessons to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and are not disadvantaged by Special Educational Needs or Disability.
Catholic Social Teaching is integral to our whole curriculum. Here are some examples of where this can be seen in Design and Technology:
Distributive Justice - In Year 6 we look at structure (within the context of reformation) and look at how a prison cell could be designed to ensure that people come out of prison in a way that allows them to access the reources that they need - rather than returning to a life of crime.
Peace - In Year 5 we look at food (within the context of the Apartheid and the Civil Rights Movement) and consider how important food was to people who were seeking to promote peace through peaceful protests.
Solidarity - In Year 4 we look at electronics (within the contex fo a Future for All) and consider how we could work together globally to reduce energy emissions thereby supporting our brothers and sisters in other countries who are being affected by our energy consumption in the Uk.
Subsidiarity - In Year 4 we look at structure (within the context of Roman villas) and consider the views of everyone when we evaluate our products to ensure that others have been empowered to have a say in the overall outcome.
Implementation/How we teach Design and Technology
Please find below three progression grids, which details the Design and Technology knowledge and skills that all pupils should acquire as they progress from Nursery through to Year 6.
Context Progression Grid
National Curriculum Objectives Progression Grid
Strand Progression Grid
Please find below the knowledge organisers that children are given at the start of each new Design and Technology unit being taught. A knowledge organiser is a single sheet of paper that lists all of the important facts that pupils should know by the end of a unit of work.
Autumn 2 Knowledge Organisers
Spring 1 Knowledge Organisers
Impact/Children's Learning
Children had great time creating a range of different shaped frame structures using cocktail sticks and marshmalows!
Children in groups, built a free-standing pavillion and select appropriate materials (lolly sticks and tape to reinforce the corners) to build a strong structure. They had great time working collaboratively!
Children had great time adding cladding to their pavillion structures. They selected the appropriate materials for their cladding and tried their best to reflects their initial designs designs. They were very creative creating different textural effects with their chosen material (foam, sugar paper, ribon) ensuring they are aesthetically pleasing. |
Y6 showing their skills using hand tools

Y5 cooking up a feast!
Y3 creating a jinks frame
Y5 using cams
Y6 and their fabulous phone cases that they sewed together
Interest Zone
Please find below a list of websites that you may wish to explore with your child. They contain information to enhance your children’s knowledge of Design and Technology, as well as suggested activities for them to engage with.