Autumn 2 - end of October to December 2023
We are looking forward to another busy term. The children will be learning the stories 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?' by Bill Martin Jr/Eric Carle and 'Dear Santa' by Rod Campbell. We will find out about Celebrations and talk about why they are important to us. We will also talk about our 'senses' and the changes that will happen around us as we start getting ready for Christmas. We hope to be performing for you towards Christmas, by singing Christmas songs and having our own Celebration to share! We look forward to all the other learning and activities planned for the coming weeks. Welcome back and please check the website and Tapestry for regular updates.
Autumn 2 Books
For this half of the Autumn Term we will be learning 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?' and 'Dear Santa'. These wonderful stories are filled with fantastic expression and we hope the children will enjoy taking part in retelling the stories with lots of enthusiasm as our term progresses. We hope that the children will enjoy learning the stories and taking part in other learning related to the stories too. We will talk about colour and animals from Brown Bear and as we move closer to Christmas we hope that Dear Santa and the gifts within it will inspire the children to tell us about some of their own wishes for Christmas. Perhaps we can make our own letters Christmas wish lists.
Topic - Celebrations
We will be finding out all about Celebrations (Fireworks night, Remembrance Day, and of course Christmas) and what they mean to us, for this half of our Autumn term. The children will take part in activities that will help them explore the importance of celebrations and what they mean to people all over the world. We will also be talking about Autumn and the changes that happen at this time of year.
This term we will be looking at positional language, as this works so well with our story for the term. We will also introduce looking at size and comparing the size of objects. Along with this we will be continuing with counting (and developing ways of counting) 1 to 5+ and recognising digits 1 to 5+.