Autumn 2
This term our topics are:
RE - Prayer, Advent and starting Christmas
Geography - Where is my school and my church?
Maths - Addition and Subtraction to 10 and Shape
Literacy - Send for a Superhero
D&T - Sewing
ICT - Using a computer
Science Ourselves

Windsor Castle
Year 1 started the term with an amazing trip to Windsor Castle. The whole class represented the school so well and the trip could not have ran smoother.
They enjoyed exploring the castle and chapel as well as having a session called "Meet the Monarch" to consolidate their previous learning on King Charles III.
Week 1
During our first week back in Autumn 2 we introduced our new book in Literacy - Send for a Superhero.
We have therefore being exploring lots of Superhero themed activities including Superhero small world, threading superheroes and writing the super tricky words.
We have also started our new RE unit - Prayer and have been learning more about types of prayers, what we say in prayers and when we say special prayers.
In ICT we looked at the keyboard and finding the letters in our names.
Week 2
This week Year 1 have been exploring Bonfire night and all the firework themed provision in our class. A particular favourite has been creating loose parts firework skies.
We have new outdoor tables in our provision so we have been using these too and can't wait to improve our Keystage one garden area further.
In D&T we have started to design a very special gift for our adults at Christmas... watch this space...
We also learnt to log in to the Chromebooks for the first time.
Week 3
This week has been a busy week for Year 1. It is our other faiths week where we look at Hinduism and it is also our assessment week.
We have lots of Diwali based provision in class including designing a Mendhi pattern, making Rangoli patterns and a Diwali table. In our class sessions we looked at how we are all unique and diversity to start the week and then moved onto the Hindu celebration of Diwali.
Week 4
This week was the end of Year 1 covering addition and subtraction to 10, so we applied our skills and had lots of fun with bingo, number bonds and finding the totals on dice.
We introduced our new letter scheme - Letter Join and we are now practising our pre-cursive letters (please find our letter groups attached below). We have started with our long ladder letters and next week we will be going onto our curly caterpillar letters. We are having lots of fun practising our letter formation on the interactive board as well as daily practice in sensory play, on whiteboards and using the schemes resources.
Friday was then odd socks day and we enjoyed a range of activities including colouring in socks, reading kindness books and making a class kindness tree.
Week 5
As the weather has become colder and we are moving into December this week we have had had lots of snow themed activities in Year 1 linked to the text "The Gruffalo's Child". We have has Gruffalo puppets, books, figures, sensory play and even had snow in the Literacy area for letter writing. Design a Winter tree has been a class favourite as well as a small world tuff tray.
As we start our new RE topic - Advent, we have made our class promise display writing our promises for Advent on the tree. We have also made Advent wreaths and discussing the meaning of each candle and week in Advent.
Christmas Nativity rehersals are fully in swing now too, so I'm sure that the class will be singing the songs everywhere they go for the next few weeks.
Fire engine in the playground
There was an unexpected visit from a fire engine to our school playground as Year 5 were learning about fire safety. Therefore Year 1 and 2 made the most of the excitement to look at the fire engine and then watch the fire men display their their hoses and uniforms.
Week 6
This week Year 1 have been busily practising their Nativity alongside everyday learning. In the class we have added lots of Christmas themed enhanced provision including decorating wreaths and making baubles (images can be seen under Christmas in Year 1).
In Maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes, and hopefully they are starting to point out more shapes in the environment to you.
In Literacy we have just finished some amazing innovated stories based on "Send for a Superhero" and we are excited to be moving onto Christmas themed Literacy.
Week 7
The week of our Nativity!
We have been really this fitting activities around the Nativity this week. However we have particularly engaged well with our provision in class this week which has included; Christmas rice run, playdough trees, a loose parts Christmas tree and matching shapes of letters and parcels to the shape of Santa.
In RE we have finished our Advent unit by writing prayers to thank God for this joyous time of year and made Bambinellis ready to be blessed at our whole whole school Mass.
Week 8 - Last few days of term
This week Year 1 have started a new RE topic - Christmas as well as lots of festive fun.
We used the chromebooks to draw festive images, we finished our Christmas tree decorations to send home and enjoyed lots of arts and crafts. We painted or drew the story of the Annunciation, as well as acting it out and decorated bags for all our festive items.
From all in Year 1 we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Christmas in Year 1
On the 1st of December the elves from Year 1 surprised the class with Christmas trees, lights and decorations. The class have been enjoying decorating the tree themselves, retelling the story of the Nativity with small world figures and figuring out what mischief the elves have been getting up to!
We also have our class Advent calendar where we have an act of kindness that we are all trying to show that day e.g. help pick something up for someone, say thank you to someone or smile at a friend.