Spring 1
What is coming up this term...
Topics/ Units of Spring 1:
Maths: Place Value to 20 Literacy: The Odd Egg
RE: Christmas and Forgiveness Science: Animals
History: All about me and my school Art: Printing (Georges Seurat)
Music: Football - Chanting PE: Gymnastics/ Balancing
ICT: Improving computer skills PHSE: Handwashing
Handwriting: Captial letters
This term we will be finishing the final few sounds Phase 5 and then starting again to recover sounds and taking additional time with any sounds that have been particualrly tricky.
Please find below the order of sounds that we follow using our Phonics scheme - Bug Club
Week 1
We started our new term with a whole school French day and were inspired by the French artist Georges Seurat (who is also our artist this term) to create French flags using the technique called Pointillism.We also celebrated the day of the kings by cutting the cake and trying to find the king image, made bunting all about oursleves in French and we used Boomwhackers to play Frere Jacques.
In RE we made stick puppets of Mary and Joseph to retell the story of the Annunciation and Jospeh's dream.
In Maths we started our new topic - Place value to 20 and made numbers using the tens frames and counters in small groups .
In Literacy we had an interesting arrival of eggs to start our new book - The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett.
Week 2
During week 2 Year 1 have looked at Polar animals again and particular favourite activities during provision time have including balancing polar bears and penguins in water and using shaving foam as snow to ice skate with small world figures. With the temperatures being so cold we were also able to use ice that have frozen overnight in our garden.
In RE we finished our Christmas unit by making Triptychs of the 3 Kings arrival and we will be moving onto Forgiveness next week.
In Art we pracitised our Pointilism skills once more by painting a rainbow and we have also used potato masher to make our own Eggs linked to Literacy.
Week 3
This week in Year 1 we continued to look more at animals for both our Science and our Literacy text. In our provision we sorted animals by their groups, we had a jungle themed sensory table and drew the other half of the animals.
In Maths we have been finishing looking off looking at place value to 20 by making numbers with Numicon and exploring number lines.
In History we learnt all about the history of our school; from when it was built in 1899 to present day. We made a class timeline of events and wrote facts for this together.
In Art we used our hands to print snowmen and added details with smaller stamps and pens.
In RE we have started our new unit - Forgiveness. We spoke about saying sorry and forgiving others before moving onto the parable "The Prodigal Son". We wrote our very own story map of the parable and then used this to help act it out ourselves.
Week 4
In RE this week, to continue with "Fogiveness" we learnt the story of the "Sinful woman" by hotseating the woman, Jesus and the Pharisies. We also discussed the emotions, thoughts and words of all in the parable at the beginning, middle and end.
In ICT we used Sketchpad on the Chromebooks to drag and create shapes to make a freeze-frame from "The Three Little Pigs"
In Maths we finished our learning on Place Value to 20 and started Addition and Subtraction to 20. We also had Numbers Day where we had lots of Math's resources out, used cubes to make numbers and solve number problems and wore our number clothing.
In Literacy we have been finishing off our work on the text "The Odd Egg" by writing our own egg spotters guides.
As we have finished Phase 5 in phonics we have been recapping our knowledge this week through a Dragon's Eggs sorting game and other phonics game. We have also been assessing our reading/ phonics 1-1 with an adult so watch this space for our new reading book levels coming soon...
Week 5
This week in our enhanced provision we have had activities linked to the Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day that are both coming up within the next week. We have learnt the story "The Great Race" and explored this in a table in class, we have had a tuff tray of Lunar New Year resources, Numicon dragons, Valentine's sensory rice and much more.
In Literacy we have re-written the story "The Odd Egg" in our own words and shown off just how much progress we have made with our handwritting, sentence structure and use of suffixes.
In Maths we have been adding to 20 and looking at links between number bonds to 10 and 20. We have also started doubling numbers and would love to share our doubles knowledge.
In RE we finished off our unit on forgiveness by writting our own prayers of forgiveness and asking for strength when forgining others.
In Science we continue to learn about groups of animals and this week we have covered fish and amphibians.
In Art we have used our printing skills to make cards for our Valentines.
And that is just some of our learning! We have been so busy and can't wait to see what Spring 2 brings.