Physical Education at St Anne's

Intent/What we aim to do through our PE Curriculum
At St. Anne's we understand how important it is for our pupils to leave primary school as healthy, fit active children who show tolerance towards others and good sportsmanship. Through sport, we hope that our children will learn that hard-work, dedication and a, ‘never give up attitude’ will not only benefit them through sport, but also through life; whatever avenues they choose to pursue.
We also understand how important it is for our pupils to engage in regular activity and recognise that a healthy diet is key when leading a full life-style. We have therefore put together a carefully crafted curriculum to ensure that the sporting educational journey our pupils take with us is a successful one, and prepares them for the next stage in their education and life.
Adaptations are made to PE lessons to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and are not disadvantaged by Special Educational Needs or Disability.
- ‘The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning.’ – Pele, football
- ‘I’ve failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.’ – Michael Jordan, basketball
- ‘A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.’ – Serena Williams, tennis
- ‘Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice.” Bethany Hamilton, surfer
- ‘As long as you have discipline, you can be a success.’ Anthony Joshua, boxer
- "I do believe the saying ‘if you don’t see it you can’t be it’" - Sam Ruddock Para cycling World Champion
- "Learn from your failures, they are stepping stones to success." Ellie Simmonds, British Paralympic swimmer
Our intent in the teaching of PE is rooted in Catholic Social Teaching.
We believe
- that in learning PE, children become more aware of their own dignity and of the importance of taking care of their body and mind through physical activity. Furthermore, when competing, they are required to respect others and to acknowledge and celebrate their talent and skill.
- that in undertaking team sports and competitions, children learn about the importance of participation and the need for everyone to contribute.
- that the common good is built by children working together as they do in PE.
Implememtation/How we teach PE
Our PE lessons at St Anne's are devised from the Primary PE Planning online Platform, as approved by AfPE (Association for Physical Education). They allow for a consistent delivery and structure across the school. The planning has been developed so that progression is built into the scheme (an exciting learning journey from Early Years through to KS2). This ensures our children are increasingly challenged, inspired and motivated in ALL PE lessons.
We believe that mastery is paramount allowing ALL children to feel confident and motor competent when learning key skills. The curriculum provides a foundation from Early Years to Key Stage 2 for an ongoing development of Physical Literacy.
Our children receive an inclusive, broad and balanced programme of PE. The curriculum is mapped to ensure that children participate in a wide range of activities. PE at St. Anne’s Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; invasion games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance and swimming.
The long term plan sets out the PE units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.
Pupils participate in two PE lessons each week (one delivered by our amazing PE coach Mrs Gaylor sport orientated and the other by class teachers using the PPP (Primary PE Planning).
Our planning is structured through the short, medium and long terms:
Short term lesson plans provide children with the opportunity to develop their skills, develop/build on knowledge & understanding while challenging all abilities. We strongly believe motor competence is key. Children are given clear learning goals and expectations.
Medium term planning provides an overview of each unit - it incorporates PE assessment criteria, physical, thinking, social and emotional key skills, cross curricular links and aspects of health and safety. With every unit of work, we have the PPP (Primary PE Planning) progression of key skills documents and knowledge organisers. The knowledge organisers provide an overview of prior learning and highlight key terminology, rules and skills. Incorporated within each unit is the second key concept: Rules strategies and tactics that can be through competition, personal bests and teamwork.
Long term planning is created through a curriculum map, this is devised through collaboration with colleagues and children. We also link with topic areas, creating cross curricular links where possible.
In addition, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities. Also, children can attend after school sport clubs run by our sport coach Mrs Gaylor.
Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.
Each year a small group of Year 6 children are invited to become Sports Leaders for the school. They develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with a range of Sporting activities.
We have launched the “Daily Mile”, to help meet the government target of all children being active for at least 60 minutes a day.
PE Long term plan
Impact/Children's Learning
At St. Anne’s, we help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports. We equip our children with the necessary skills and a love for sport. They will hopefully grow up to live happy and healthy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through PE.
How does moving more help?
Cultural Capital in PE
The term capital is synonymous with ‘wealth’ and at St Anne's we view cultural capital as the wealth of cultural knowledge and experiences that our children gain and experience during their time here. We can think about cultural capital in terms of the knowledge gained, behaviours learned and skills mastered that enable our children to be successful in later life.
The teaching of PE contributes to our children’s cultural wealth by giving them the opportunity to learn, play and compete in a wide range of sports and activities. Through our PE House Point system, we embed sportsmanship by rewarding respect, resilience and communication. Through our links with Apollo Gymnastic Partnership, we attend a range of festivals and competitions across Reading. As a team, we are consistently looking to sign-post and support gifted and talented children within the local clubs and academies.
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Diversity and Inclusion in PE
At St Anne's, we are committed to promoting equal opportunities irrespective of socio- economic background, gender, disability and ethnicity in all areas of the curriculum. We believe that our pupils should have equal access to and participation in all that is offered within Physical Education lessons and beyond.
Similarly, we aim to ensure all pupils participate in PE and physical activity irrespective of any special educational need(s) or physical disability they may have. We believe that pupils should have equal access to and participation in a range of physical education activities in order to reach their own potential.
We plan lessons and make necessary adaptations and/or differentiation to ensure appropriate challenge and accessibility for all learners.We also use the SEND resources provided by Primary PE planning in order to support our PE provision.
At St Anne's we believe that Physical Education and sport is for everyone!
PE Sport & Healthy Lifestyles
Schools have an important role to play in reinforcing the importance of choices that lead to better health and good 'eating'. At St Anne's our curriculum gives children good knowledge about healthy living and how to pursue and achieve it. Children learn how our bodies work, why physical health is important and how to prepare food. They grow in competence in sport and physical pursuits - being active is a real enjoyment at our school. We prioritise these opportunities at lunchtimes, with Sports leaders to support development and interaction.
Our Aims
- Plan a challenging and well-sequenced curriculum, including learning about the body in PE, and science about healthy eating and cooking
- Provide opportunity for children to take physical exercise during the school day – with lots of opportunities to ‘get out of breath'.