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white rose education

Intent /What we aim to do through our Maths Curriculum

At St Anne’s, we aim to support all children to develop the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to master and, wherever possible, to exceed age-related expectations so that they are prepared for whatever the future may hold.

At St Anne’s, we aim to:

- Promote children’s curiosity in Maths and enable them to have the confidence to take risks and to learn from first- hand experience

- Enable children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, such as the recall of number facts, through varied and frequent practice with complexity increasing over time

- Support children to develop their conceptual understanding and ability within mathematics

- Promote children’s ability to solve problems and find solutions by applying what they know to a variety of routine and non-routine problems

- Develop children’s ability to reason mathematically; to follow a line of enquiry and to posit relationships and generalisations using mathematical language

- Support children to make progress at their own pace. Often, misconceptions cause greater difficulties at a later stage of learning.  As a result, we frequently encourage children to revisit their thinking to ensure they feel secure in their understanding and, from here, move confidently on to next steps and challenges.

Adaptations are made to Maths lessons to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and are not disadvantaged by Special Educational Needs or Disablity.

Implementation/How we teach Maths

Times Table Rock Stars

At St Anne’s, we support children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through the use of Times Table Rock Stars in Years 2 to 6. Times Table Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced program of daily times table practise, which has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for pupils. 

CLIC Maths

In addition, St Anne’s has adopted the CLIC Maths approach to teaching fluency, which focuses not only on a child’s ability to recall their times tables, but also their ability to rapidly recall number facts and related number facts. CLIC is taught three times a week in KS1 and five times a week in KS2.  The scheme develops in children:

- Quick recall of number facts

- Quick execution of calculation strategies associated with all four operations

- Flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations 

- The ability to recognise relationships and to make connections 

White Rose Maths

At St Anne’s, the White Rose Maths scheme to support teaching for mastery from Reception to Year 6 has been implemented. The White Rose Maths scheme has one aim – to help every child to understand, enjoy and succeed in maths. It seeks to achieve this aim by developing children’s understanding of each mathematical concept and by mastering learning one step at a time. In Years 2 and 6, the White Rose maths scheme is supplemented by other resources in order to prepare for SATs.

Progression in Maths

Please read the PDF below to see how the White Rose Maths curriculum links to the Key Stage 1 and the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum, and how it progresses through topics.

Calculation Policy

Please find  the White Rose Maths Calculation Policy (for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)below. This provides information about the different models and images that can be used to support the teaching of different concepts

Impact/Children's Learning


Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and is a continuous process. Teachers make assessments of children by means of:

- Questioning during lessons

- Daily marking (see Marking Policy) mainly within lessons, which may include pupils self-marking their work so that misconceptions can be addressed immediately and corrections made

- Summative End of Unit White Rose Maths tests (approximately every 2-3 weeks)

- Summative End of Block White Rose Maths tests - three times a year at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer term

- In Year 2, mock SATs are undertaken in December, February and March, with the official math’s SATs being undertaken in the summer term

- In Year 6, mock SATs are undertaken on a half-termly basis, with the official math’s SATs being undertaken in the summer term

Monitoring and Review

The monitoring of maths teaching and pupil progress is the shared responsibility of teachers, the Maths subject leader and the senior leadership team. Monitoring includes:

- Lesson drop-ins

- Book scrutinies

- Moderation within school and with external bodies

- Pupil progress meetings

The work of the subject leader includes supporting colleagues with the planning and teaching of maths, keeping up to date with current developments as well as providing a strategic lead and direction for the subject. The school’s governing body receives termly updates about Maths from the subject lead (with reference to data and the Maths Action Plan) so that they are informed of the vision for Maths in the school and the progress towards that vision.

KS1 Homework

In order to successfully progress onto calculating, problem-solving and reasoning in Key Stage 2, it is crucial that children develop their instant recall of a particular set of number facts in Key Stage 1.

Please support your child to learn these number facts by spending 5 minutes a day with them - following the Learn-it Assessment Schedule attached below.

KS2 Homework

By Easter in Year 4, children need to be able to instantly recall all times table and associated division facts (up to 12 x 12).

Please support your child to spend 5 minutes a day using the Times Table Rockstars App to maximise their chances of success in the Year 4 Times Table Check and beyond. (Login details for the Times Table Rockstars App will be supplied to your child by the School).

In Key Stage 2, please also continue to support your child to ensure that they maintain their instant recall of the Learn-its number facts which they started to acquire a knowledge of in Key Stage 1. (See the attached document).

Interest Zone

Please find below a list of websites that you may wish to explore.


What children learn in mathematics at primary school:




Organisations that provide mathematical explanations and associated activities for children to complete:







Websites for children in Key Stage 1:







Websites for children in Key Stage 2:

https://www.tutorhunt.com/tutor-bot/  Tutor Bot contains completely free online maths games where children can practice their mathematics skills.  The site features over 100 different customisable games which children will find fun to play and a great way to improve their mathematics fluency, accuracy and speed.






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