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Welcome to Year 4, St Jerome Class!

st jerome s

Meet the Teacher

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak to us, we are always happy to chat at the beginning or end of the day. 


Curriculum Letter

Each half term, we will be sending a curriculum letter so you can find out about all of the amazing things we are learning!


Spellings, Times table grids and Learn its will be given out every week on a Friday. 


PE days for the first 4 weeks of Autumn term 2 are Thursdays and Fridays, children should come to school in their PE clothes on these days.

PE Kits:

Navy Shorts

White T-Shirt (branded or plain)

Navy Tracksuit Bottoms and Navy Sweatshirt (no hooded tops)

Trainers (any colour)


Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday. There will be up to 10 spelling on the rule that we have learnt and 5 random spellings from the Y3/4 spelling list as all pupils must be confident with these by the end of the year.

Year 4 Recommended Reads

Multiplication Check Useful Information


Geography-Why are rainforests important to us?

We used atlases to find the location of the Amazon rainforest. Also, we used  photographs and maps to list some features of the Amazon rainforest.

Music Using chime bars


RE- Acting out Bible story of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:41-52)

History day

We looked at kindertransport, drew suitcases containing all essential items that kindertransport children would woul have taken with them and wrote letters to our parents in role as kindertrasport children. 

Class liturgy

History- Exploring Roman war tactic 'Testudo'

 The testudo - or 'tortoise'. A formation of 27 soldiers would hold their shields above their heads and out to the front and sides to protect them - like a tortoise's shell - as they marched forwards to attack the enemy. We made our Roman shields and tried out the testudo!

RE- Acting out Jacob's dream

RE -Jesus teaches us how to pray

We looked at Judaism and created information posters.


We love playing rhythme detectives and singing! We sound awesome, don't you think?

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We had fun creating a range of different shaped frame structures using coctail sticks and mini marshmalows!

Creating our pavilions

Adding cladding to our pavilions

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