Week 1 - Art Day
We created our own patchwork, Elmer.
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Week 2
In Reception Class, we are reading ‘The Night Pirates’, by Peter Harris and Deborah Allwright.
We have had great fun making our own pirate ship.
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St George’s Day
Week 3
This morning, we had fun singing and dancing with the production company Dantastic.
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Our Parent and KS1 Liturgy
Reception Class held a Parent and KS1 liturgy highlighting the importance of Stewardship and caring for our planet.
They shared and explained the importance of Pope Francis letter, called Laudato Si’.
Week 4
We have been learning about symmetry. The children created beautiful butterflies.
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I am not sure who had more fun this morning! Was it the children or the adults?
The Sunshine is here!
The sunshine is here! Just a gentle reminder that now the hot weather is finally here, please ensure your child comes to school with sun cream on, a hat and a refillable water bottle.
This term children can wear their summer uniform. However, after half term all children must wear their summer uniform to school.
Summer uniform:
Pale Blue Gingham (check) Dress
Grey Shorts
Pale Blue Polo Shirt (no tie)
White / Navy / Grey Socks
Navy / Black Shoes (No Sandals or Trainers)
In Maths, we have been learning to describe the position of shapes using the language, between, next to, above and under.
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Our artist this term is Vincent Van Gogh.
We have been drawing sunflowers using different types of media.
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Caversham Court Gardens
We had a wonderful morning! We planted beans, measured trees and drew some fantastic flower pictures.
Pirate Day
Reception Class became 'Night Pirates' to day.
We walked the plank, sang pirate songs, made hooks, eye patches, pirate biscuits and lots more.
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Week 6
International Day
Today, we have been celebrating the huge range of cultures and ethnicities in our school.
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The Rosary
It is the month of May. It is traditional in this month to pray the Rosary to express our love for Mary.
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