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Ofsted Report

Key Extracts from our recent Ofsted report (Summer 2019):

‘This school continues to be good.’

‘The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. At the heart of this is a strong, shared commitment to every child’s success, underpinned by the school’s ethos ‘live, love and learn as children of God’.

'All pupils, regardless of background, race, faith or disability are cared for and supported to achieve. Together with staff, you have ensured that the school continues to prioritise the right areas for pupils to succeed. The school’s current development plan is clear, precise and well measured. It addresses the issues raised as a result of the school’s previous inspection and those arising from national tests and assessments. This affirms that leaders know the school well and act promptly to make improvements that benefit the pupils’ academic and personal development.’

‘You have successfully maintained the upward trend at the end of key stages 1 and 2 as well as good teaching in the early years. The latter ensures that pupils get off to a strong start.’

‘The school is a small but close-knit community. There is a strong sense of family values. Relationships between staff and pupils are warm and caring. The school is highly inclusive. Pupils with all different types of need are welcomed and feel part of the school community.’

‘Leaders’ careful analysis of progress information ensures that support is given where it is needed.’ ‘Pupils feel happy and safe in school. They say that they can talk to a member of staff if they have any concerns. The school teaches pupils how to stay safe in and out of school, including online. Your caring and inclusive ethos allows pupils in different year groups to mix and form friendships so that instances of bullying are rare and are dealt with swiftly.’


The Catholic School Inspectorate visited the school in April 2024. We are a 'Good' Catholic school and you can read the full report below.

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