Welcome to Year 1

Key Information
Welcome to Year 1!
Our Saint is St Kateri who is the first Native American to be recognised as a saint.
We are all very excited about the year ahead and we are going to have lots of fun.
Curriculum Letter
We would like all children to read every evening. Reading books will be changed on Friday when 2/3 books will be given out, but please send the yellow Reading Record and reading book in to school every day.
Spellings and Maths 'Learn its' will be sent home on a Friday, for the children to practice, and tested the following Friday.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your children to school in their PE kit on those days
- It sharpens vocabulary.
- It expands emotional intelligence and well-being.
- It imparts valuable life lessons.
- It improves focus, concentration, and memory.
- It broadens imagination and creativity.
- It challenges preconceived notions and expands understanding of the world.
- It enhances cognitive abilities, including vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills
•Phonics is a big part of Year 1. We have a Phonics screening test in June that is completed nationally by every Year 1 pupil.
•Your child will continue to expand on their knowledge of phonics and will probably surprise you with just how quickly they develop their reading.
•They will do 20 minutes of phonics learning each day, just like they did in Reception. These are fun, pacy sessions which involve games and tasks.
•They will learn tricky words, spelling rules and how to sound out and blend to aid them with their reading and writing.
•They will be encouraged to 'have a go' at spelling when writing independently, by phonetically sounding out words and the. introducing the correct spellings more as the year progresses.
Meet the Teacher
Our first week in Year 1! We loved our music lesson and getting to know Miss Lynch through games and singing.
Celebrating St Anne's 125th Birthday
Year 1 and 2 celebrated our school's 125th birthday by learning more about the school's history, decorating cakes and singing happy birthday.
The Night Bus
Today the Year 1 children had the opportunity to read the stories we have written about 'The Night Bus' to our Nursery children. The children enjoyed hearing about all the exciting adventures the Night Bus got upto one evening in Caversham!
Year 2 had a great time at the library. The children enjoyed learning about what happens at the library and how they can borrow books, if they don't so already. All children had the chance to choose a book from the shelf and snuggle up read with their friends.
History Day
Today the children came to school dressed as evacuees from WW2 to celebrate our History Day. As part of the day our learning was based around Paddinton Bear. We discussed how Michael Bond was inspired by the evacuees who arrived at Reading Station during the WW2 to create a fictional character who was looking for a family to stay with, just like the children arriving into Reading. We also had the opportunity to make marmalade sandwiches - Paddington's favourite!