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Spring Term 2 - March 2022

Welcom back to Nursery. We hope that you had a great half term break. Please see below for more information about second half of this Spring Term.

Talk 4 Writing - Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

This wonderful fictional story is our text for this term. We will be looking at the different parts of a book and enhancing the children's understanding of the written word. We will also hopefully learn about the animals that live in a zoo and ask the children why zoo animals do not necessarily make good pets. The children will also think about the kind of animal they might like as a pet and what they would have to do to look after that pet. We hope that the children enjoy exploring the book along with themes linked to the book.


We will continue to work on counting 1-5+ and recognising the numerals 1-5+. This term we will also be looking at comparisons between animals regarding weight, length and height. This will develop the children's mathematical vocabulary. We will also be looking at patterns and using informal language to describe the patterns we see. 

animal patterns



Topic - Spring and Animals

We will be discussing the changes in the weather and also any physical changes in our environment with the children and trying to record what we see on our Spring walk. Alongside learning about the changing seasons we will be talking about the different kinds of animals on our planet and the differences between them. Hopefully the children will learn the difference between wild animals and farm/pet animals and why they are different too.

RE - Lent and Holy Week

Lent and Easter are among the most important times for our church's calendar and we will be following this season with the children in Nursery. We will be learning about Lent and why it is important to us. The children will complete activities relating to this special time and will be learning the Our Father during prayer time to. Hopefully the children will learn about times we need to say sorry and how God can help us when we pray. 

Lent and holy week

Week beginning 28th February - Week 1

Welcome back to everyone. We have had a very busy week in Nursery and the whole school. On Monday the children were introduced to their new book for the term, 'Dear Zoo'. The children tried Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (and we learned about everyone's favourite toppings). On Wednesday we all met the author Kate Poels and listened to her story in Reception. Mrs Bernto also visited us Wednesday to give us Ashes and help us remember how much we love God and God loves us. We celebrated World Book day by helping EYFS and KS1 children to write a story and Mr Smith came into our class to help us understand the difference between 'big' and 'tall' for Maths! We hope you have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.  

Week beginning 7th March - Week 2

We have had another busy week in Nursery! The children have been counting and matching numerals and quantities. They have also continued to learn the Our Father and heard the story of Jesus sharing the Lord's Prayer with his friends so that we have a prayer 'for always'. For Literacy the animals in 'Dear Zoo' were discussed and we found out what animals we would all like to have as pets. As part of Topic this week we looked at different wild animals. The children were able to name all the animals in the photos and then we played a game of 'What am I?'; where they had to guess the animal based on it's description. Mrs Toole came to us on Wednesday for Music and the children had fun singing about different creatures that live in the sea. We saw some Spring weather this week and had the opportunity to take a Spring walk to the field where the children were able to explore for signs of Spring and were delighted to see some beautiful flowers in bloom! One of the children had a birthday and shared delicious cupcakes with us all! To finish our week we took some time to think about people who are suffering from hunger around the world and how we can help them. The children are brilliant at helping each other and we discussed how we can also help people that we don't know. Some children donated money to our CAFOD Family Fast Day (which is part of our Lenten preparation). The chidlren agreed that helping others would make God happy and makes them happy too! 

Week beginning 14th March - Week 3

The children have been spying on parts of a zoo animal to see if they could guess what it was and revisited the initial 's' sound for our phonics. For RE this week the children heard to story of The Prodigal Son and some of the children took the parts of the brothers and father to help Mrs Orife tell the story. We thought about how we can say sorry and when we need to say sorry. One of the children said that we can say a prayer to God to say sorry too! On Wednesday we all had fantastic fun pretending to be caterpillars and butterflies in Music; where we also moved to 'The Ugly Bug's Ball' song. Playing games and singing songs with our parachute, in the hall, helped us to practice our listening skills and we have also been exploring the field to collect small twigs, sticks and daisies to make some art next week. Mrs Bernto came to visit us on Friday where the children were able to impress her with their knowledge of the 'key words' from 'Dear Zoo', our book for this half term. Several of the children were able to recognise the names of the animals from the story. Well done Nursery!

Week beginning 21st March - Week 4

What a wonderful week we have had! The children have practiced matching quantities with numerals and some children have shown us they can subitise numbers up to 3! For RE we have all thought about how we can say sorry and to who we can say sorry. The children used 'Sorry Stars' to 'throw away' the things they needed to say sorry for. We have talked about Springtime and the children have been amazing in telling us all about what they already knew about the season. We then spent some time learning some new facts. Our Music lesson meant that the children had the chance to 'conduct' the others in singing animal noises. We were so impressed when our story for the term, Dear Zoo, was retold by the group. They demonstrated a great ability to remember the sequence of events and remembered the puppy was perfect! Our highlight of the week was seeing the firemen and fire engine in the school playground. We were all so excited but so well behaved too! Well done everyone!  

Week beginning 28th March - Week 5

We started the week looking at sorting animals into groups of Big and Small. Some of the children recognised that although some of the toy animals were small they are actually enormous is real life! As a group we talked about making a cross and made the sign of the cross with paper. The children then named the different parts and we lit candles to remember the order of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All the children took part and were reverent when they needed to be. Well done! Our Music lesson was fantastic on Wednesday with Mrs Toole. We used plastic bowls as drums and marched around the class to the music from The Great Escape! The children have made bridges for balancing across with the tyres and planks in our outside area and towards the end of the week, we had the chance to taste the snow in the wintery showers. We are looking forward to lots of Easter activities next week!  

Week beginning 4th April - Week 6

The children had a busy week learning more about our Lent and Holy Week topics. We listened to how Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and made some palm leaves and crosses. The children had 'bread and wine' (biscuits and squash) to remember the Last Supper and also tasted some hot cross buns when we discussed Good Friday. There were lots of Easter craft activities for the children to access and we had a look at our Nursery room that is finally finished and will be ready for us to return to after the Easter Holidays! Your children have been amazingly patient and we cannot wait to return to our newly painted and refloored Nursery room after the Easter holidays! Enjoy your well earned break everyone and we look forward to you returning on Wednesday the 27th April! (New starters will have different starting times organised). 

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