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Online Safety at St. Anne’s Catholic Primary


Online safety is a key part of keeping our children safe at St. Anne’s Catholic Primary. We have measures in place to protect pupils from potential dangers and inappropriate content. Any online safety incidents are recorded and handled according to our Online Safety Policy. Since banning the internet or technology isn’t practical, it’s essential that we educate our pupils on how to use these tools safely.

We teach all pupils about online safety, showing them how to keep themselves and their personal information secure while using the internet. Parents and children are asked to agree to uphold the school’s Online Safety Policy.


To support our parents, we’ve provided a range of resources on this page to foster a partnership between the school and the parent community in safeguarding our children. You can find additional resources to help with online safety at home below using the links.

If parents have any concerns regarding online safety, we encourage them to reach out to Mrs. King, our Computing Leader, to discuss their concerns.


We have provided links below to some information and posters about the ways you can ensure your child is practising online safety. We also hope this will be a starting point for you to talk to your children about the need to keep safe online and that they will feel they can tell you about anything that worries them.

For pupils

For parents

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