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St Anne's Nursery 

Hello everyone! Welcome back to nursery. We are delighted to welcome the children back and hope they enjoy their time with us, where we are...

"Learning to live by Faith and to be known by Love."

Mrs. Orife and Mrs Verhun are continuing as our core nursery staff to support your children's journey into a school setting. 

Being part of a Catholic Primary School we make Faith a large part of what we do and this is reflected in nursery every day. Catholic beliefs are reflected in the children's learning and in the values the staff use to guide this learning.

Indoor and outdoor activities are planned for each day and the Birth to 5 Matters (Develpoment Matters) for EYFS is used to inform this planning.

*More information can be found in the handbook (above).

*Please check our Nursery pages for more information and photographs of the children engaging in their weekly activities. 

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