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Welcome to St Anne's PSA - Parents' & Staff Association

Check out our Upcoming Events page for details about what we've got coming up, including Quiz and Curry Night and the Mother's Day Surprise Room!

Raise money for the PSA when you sell your house!

Masons home page


If you or anyone you know is planning to sell their home, Masons Estate Agents have offered the PSA 20% of their commission when an introduction is made from St Anne’s school. This is a fantastic offer so please consider using Masons. They have an excellent track record and have a well-deserved reputation for being fast, efficient and friendly.

Masons are extending the offer to anyone linked to St Anne's - parents, staff and their family and friends, even if they don't have a child at the school. Please mention St Anne’s when you contact Masons.

Who we are

The current PSA Committee are as follows:

Co-Chairs – Rebecca Mee and Chelle Church

Secretary – Rachel Farrell

Treasurer – Kerry Andrews

Events & Marketing Lead – Kay White and Laura Florean

PSA meetings are open to all so watch out for details of our next meeting.

What we do

The PSA raises funds to provide equipment and experiences for the school's children that otherwise would not be possible. We fundraise by running a wide variety of fun and exciting events for pupils, their families and the wider community to get involved in.

The money we raise goes towards projects such as playground improvement schemes, contributions towards to the library and sports equipment, upgrades to technology equipment and help towards educational trips for all pupils to enjoy and enhance their learning.

Our registered charity number with the Charity Commission is 1044072.

If you'd like to get involved, please get in touch at stannespsa@gmail.com!

Online Shopping

You can help us raise money for the PSA when you're doing your everyday online shopping! Visit our Online Shopping page for details of how you can support us through Amazon Smile, EasyFundraising and mynametags.com.

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