
At St. Anne’s, we are dedicated to helping every pupil achieve their full potential across all areas of the curriculum. Assessment plays a key role in this process and is an essential part of our daily practice. We use formative assessment throughout lessons in every year group, continuously assessing pupil progress. This allows teachers and support staff to adjust and improve their teaching in real time.
We also carry out summative assessments at the end of each term, which are more formal. Both formative and summative assessments help teachers measure a pupil's progress according to the National Curriculum. In Reading and Maths, a combination of test results and the teacher’s professional judgement is used, while Writing is assessed against specific criteria from the National Curriculum.
For foundation subjects, assessments are based on the objectives set in the Scheme of Work. These results help inform future lesson planning, ensuring that pupils who need extra support or further challenges receive appropriate attention.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Year 1, phonics assessment is a priority, in line with our Phonics programme. This is crucial for early reading development, allowing teachers to provide timely catch-up sessions when necessary.