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Before School and After School Care

We provide a Breakfast Club run by school staff from 8.00-8.40am.  At the end of the session, the younger children are escorted to class by a member of staff.  Children are given a nutritious breakfast including cereals, fruit juice, toast and waffles. 

After School Club is also run by school staff from 3.30-6.00p.m.  A snack comprising wraps/sandwiches plus raw veg and fresh fruit is provided.  Activities are fun and children are supported with reading/homework activities. Children in all years (except Nursery) are able to attend. 

Booking Breakfast club and After School Club


Last minute emergency bookings will only be accepted via the school office. School will monitor closely all bookings made in this way.  Should bookings need to be made in this way more than 3 times in a half term, the school will refuse the child a place at Before/After School Care henceforth. 

Any emergency sessions will be added by the school to Parent Pay but the Parent/Carer will need to log in to settle the bill.  Please note that any outstanding bills incurred as a result of emergency booking must be settled within a week.  If the payment remains outstanding, the child will not be able to be booked on another Before/After School Care session until the bill is settled.


Please note that

- the school will monitor attendance and will log the cost for any days that Parents/Carers use Breakfast or After School Club but have not booked through Parentpay.  These costs will need to be paid through Parentpay.

- should a parent/carer wish to cancel a booking but fail to do so more than a whole day in advance, the full amount will be claimed from Parent Pay.

- should a parent/carer be late in picking up their child from After School Care booked til 4.30, s/he will be charged the cost of a place til 6pm.

- should a parent/carer arrive at After School Care to pick up a child after 6pm, s/he will be charged at a cost of £1 per minute with the time calculated using the mobile phone belonging to After School Club.

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