We are a warm, friendly, and welcoming community, and we hope that as you explore our site, you gain a true sense of the school life we offer here at St. Anne’s.
Our mission statement captures our core purpose: “Learning to live by faith and to be known by love.” The nurturing atmosphere at St. Anne’s makes our school a special place where children feel safe, valued, and inspired to learn. Our pupils grow into well-rounded, compassionate individuals with a deep sense of community, justice, and responsibility. By the time they leave us, they are prepared to continue their educational journey as caring and conscientious young people.
At St. Anne’s, we celebrate the unique gifts and talents of every pupil. Our inclusive approach ensures that all children have equal access to a rich, broad, and balanced curriculum. Our dedicated staff work to create a learning experience that is both stimulating and engaging, inspiring our pupils to be the best they can be.
We hold high expectations and aspirations for all our pupils, encouraging them to achieve their very best. The strong relationships we build with parents, carers, governors, parishioners, and the local community are important to us. We recognise and value the crucial role that parents play in their child's education, and we cherish the partnership we share with our Parish, all working together to help our children grow in faith and love.
Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision. Through our website, we aim to give you a glimpse into the wonderful community at St. Anne’s, and we hope you find it both informative and welcoming.
If you would like to experience St. Anne’s firsthand, we warmly invite you to arrange a visit. Myself or a member of our Senior Leadership Team would be delighted to meet you, show you around, and answer any questions you may have. Please do email admin@st-annes.reading.sch.uk or contact the school office on 01189 375537 to book a tour.
We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Mrs Bridget Tobin
If you would like to view the school, please contact the office. Tel: 01189375537 or email admin@st-annes.reading.sch.uk
Ofsted Report
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School has once again been rated as a good school, reflecting the dedication of staff, the support from parents, and the efforts of our pupils.
The report highlights the kindness, enthusiasm, and excellent behaviour of our pupils, as well as the school’s caring and nurturing environment. It commends our ambitious curriculum, the expertise of staff, and the high standards we uphold.
Please use the following link to read the report
Are you a prospective parent looking for a school place today?
If you are looking for an in-year transfer for your child or a nursery place, please contact the school as above for a tour at any time.
We would be delighted to show you round and tell you all about our fantastic school! Please do email admin@st-annes.reading.sch.uk or contact the school office on 01189 375537 to book a tour.
Contact details for enquiries
If you have any questions or queries about our school, please contact the school office - via email on admin@st-annes.reading.sch.uk 01189375537.
For enquires regarding SEND, please email our SENCO - Mrs Gemma Burnitt on senco@st-annes.reading.sch.uk or phone the school office on 01189375537.
For safeguarding enquires, please email dsl@st-annes.reading.sch.uk and our Safeguarding governors are Anne Pegram (APegram@stmartins.reading.sch.uk) and Rebecca Mee (RMee@stmartins.reading.sch.uk). Please see our Safeguarding Policy (on the policies page of the website) for information about Safeguarding and relating school practice.